I heard about this story earlier this evening and just came across this story.  My thoughts and prayers are with all those involved.  It is times like these when I long for Christ to return and take away all pain and suffering.  Maranatha!!

Today I read one of my favorite passages in the Old Testament from Joshua 5:13-15.  The people of God have just crossed the Jordan river, and are approaching the city of Jericho.  The text says, “When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold a man was standing before him […]

Click!!  The sound of the door locking behind me sounds like a shotgun going off, and rattles through my body.  It’s an odd feeling being locked in a room of around 20 inmates, with no guards present.  These men are all in jail for various reasons: drugs, robbery, sexual assault, murder, etc.  But there I […]

He who often thinks of God will have a larger mind than the man who simply plods around this narrow globe. The most excellent study for expanding the soul than the science of Christ, and him crusfied, and the knowledge of the godhead in the glorious trinity.

I recently came across the following quote by John Piper that made me think about sin and the freedom Christian’s have in Christ from guilt and shame.  Piper writes: Sin creates a blinding guilt that makes a person feel hopeless and despairing that they could ever be forgiven and included among the righteous. This is […]