“God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.”  This most famous quote from John Piper has served the church well over the past thirty years.  It has propelled people into missions, giving them the desire to see the nations declare the glory of God.  It has reoriented people’s theology, causing […]

Relevant Magazine has an excellent article discussing the relationship between faith and reason in apologetics.  The article concludes: So while apologetics affirms that faith is more than reason, involving trust and relationship, it is not less than reason. Apologetics does not surrender faith on the altar of cultural reasoning or relevance. Rather, it seeks to […]

We saw in the first part of this series that in this passage the Apostle Paul is seeking to teach believers what it means to walk in the Spirit.  He accomplishes this task by first showing them what a life lived in the flesh looks like.  In verse 16 Paul tells his readers that if […]